Amino acid complex NUTREND Compress Whey Amino 10 000 100 tabl


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Whey Amino 10,000 is designed for all athletes who want to prevent carabolic (muscle-destroying) processes in the body, and also want to reach only the anabolic (muscle-building) stage.

If you follow the recommended daily dosage of 3 x 4 tablets per day, you will provide your body with 30,000 mg of high quality hydrolyzed amino acids!

WHEY AMINO 10,000 offers a unique combination of amino acids in the purest form.

By hydrolysing whey protein, small and pure peptide fractions are formed that do not have to be digested by proteases (digestive tract enzymes involved in protein breakdown), which takes longer and is more complex. Raw proteins can be digested within a few hours (3 – 8 hours), however, if you use WHEY AMINO 10000, protein digestion will not be as long. Pure whey hydrolyzate passes through the walls of the digestive tract very quickly and enters the bloodstream almost immediately and with minimal losses.

The level of amino acids in the blood throughout the day varies depending on your daily routine (working hours, training, eating, stress, etc.). If your body lacks amino acids, then the catabolic process begins in the muscles. In order to prevent such an undesirable effect, we recommend taking WHEY AMINO 10,000 regularly, 4 tablets 3 times a day. One serving of the product will provide you with the maximum dosage of essential and effectively absorbed amino acids (10,000 mg).

The body of an intensely trained athlete requires a large dose of protein.However, the digestive tract is not able to process such a large amount of protein. WHEY AMINO 10,000 offers you a solution in a very simple and effective form of tablets that do not harm the digestive tract, are quickly absorbed and go directly to where the body needs them.

For the perfect nutrition of your muscles throughout the day, combine WHEY AMINO 10,000 with Long Core 80. This will effectively provide the muscles with the necessary nutrients, maintain a constant and optimal level of amino acids in the blood, which will ultimately lead to explosive growth in muscle mass.

WHEY AMINO 10000 provides:

anabolic and anti-catabolic effect

muscle growth

maintaining a positive nitrogen balance in the body

fast and high-quality muscle recovery

protection of muscle mass

2500 mg of enzymatic hydrolysis in 1 tablet.


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