Calcium Nosorog Calcium Citrate, 200 gr


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Nosorog calcium citrate (200 grams per pack) is a nutritional supplement that allows you to fully satisfy the increased need for calcium characteristic of athletes.

Benefits of Calcium Citrate: Like all calcium supplements, Calcium Citrate provides the body with a micronutrient that is not synthesized by the organs, but comes only from food. Calcium performs various functions in the body:

  • Participates in the formation of bone tissue,
  • Participates in the formation of muscle tissue,
  • Contributes to the normal functioning of the blood.

It is also possible for the substance to participate in the normalization of blood pressure and help in burning fat.

Calcium is the basis of bone tissue and teeth. Bones are the largest storage of minerals in our body. If you do not get enough calcium from food, the body will take it for its needs from your own bones.

Calcium can help regulate blood pressure, which is very important for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Also, scientists have long known about its ability to reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome in women. In African countries, bites of poisonous spiders are treated with calcium. Although this is an outdated method, it is very effective.


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