Complex protein BSN Syntha-6 EDGE 1.06 kg


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BSN has developed a unique protein complex Syntha 6 Edge, which includes four perfectly complementary proteins at once: whey, milk, casein and micellar. With this combination, Syntha 6 Edge proves to be one of the best products for increasing muscle mass and shaping, as well as for stimulating the strength and endurance of the athlete. Each 37-gram serving of the product contains at least 24 grams of pure protein. Moreover, the combination of four types of proteins allows you to "stretch" the period of active protein absorption from the usual 30 minutes to almost an hour. So, whey protein begins to be absorbed within 30 minutes after ingestion, milk protein – after 40, and micellar and casein – 60 minutes after the athlete drinks a cocktail. Another distinctive feature of Syntha 6 Edge is its low calorie content and the minimum content of fats and carbohydrates in its composition. Only 150 calories per serving! That is, an athlete can take the complex and form the relief of his muscles even during a low-calorie diet. Only muscle will be built up, not fat, as sometimes happens when taking some other types of sports nutrition.


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