D.A.A.1000 – 120 caps


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D-Aspartic Acid – an organic chemical compound from the group of endogenous protein amino acids. It is involved in the biosynthesis of many compounds in our body, and is also one of the products of the citric acid cycle, commonly known as the Krebs cycle, and gluconeogenesis (glucose biosynthesis). Aspartic acid is an active compound in the very center of the brain. It releases FSH (follicle stimulating), LH (lutropin) and growth hormone. It can also accumulate in the testicles, where it alleviates the decrease in the rate of testosterone synthesis, which leads to an increase in its production.

Properties of the ingredients contained in OstroVit D.A.A 1000 mg:

  • The supplement will provide an increase in the level of the main male hormone – testosterone.
  • Effective libido boost!
  • Regulate the synthesis of hormones in our body
  • Regular Supplementation May Increase Muscle Mass
  • Improve cognitive skills – support the process of memorization, learning and concentration
  • Excellent support for regenerative processes after hard training

D-aspartic acid (DAA) is an enantiomer of the proteinogenic L-aspartic amino acid (LAA). DAA is found in the human body, though in lower concentrations than LAA. But, despite the low level, this compound plays an important role in it – it ensures the full functioning of the neuroendocrine system and has a positive effect on the production of androgenic hormones.
The main benefit of DAA lies in its ability to increase the production of testosterone, growth hormone and IGF-1.

The production of these hormones is regulated by the pituitary-hypothalamic system.When testosterone levels decrease in the body, the hypothalamus produces gonadotropin-releasing factor. It acts on the pituitary gland, activating the secretion of luteinizing hormone, which stimulates the tissues to produce testosterone. With a decrease in the concentration of growth hormone and IGF-1, the hypothalamus secretes somatotropin-releasing factor. It acts on the pituitary gland, which responds by releasing growth hormone. After somatotropin signals the liver to produce IGF-1.


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