D-Aspartic Acid Quamtrax DAA D-Aspartic acid – 120 capsules


SKU: 004467 Categories: ,


Quamtrax DAA is a drug containing D-aspartic acid. There are two forms of aspartic acid, namely L- and D-aspartic acid (DAA). Of these two forms, only L-aspartic acid can be directly involved in protein synthesis, while DAA has a predominantly metabolic effect. hormones. DAA acts primarily on the pituitary gland, which promotes the release of luteinizing hormone, which acts on the gonads, where it stimulates the production and excretion of the hormone testosterone. Many studies have shown that increased testosterone levels have a big impact on improving muscle protein synthesis and therefore muscle growth. Therefore, testosterone is considered an important factor in improving muscle strength and growth. DAA can be used to increase testosterone levels in men with fertility problems and in athletes who need more protein synthesis. Testosterone levels remain elevated for another week to 10 days after the completion of DAA, and after this time it returns to its original level.

DAA acts in the central part of the brain, where it increases the release of hormones such as luteinizing hormone, follicle-releasing hormone, and growth hormone. In addition, DAA can be loaded into modes that promote testosterone synthesis.


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