Gainer POWER PRO Gainer 1000 grams


SKU: 3898 Category:


The action of the gainer presented to you can be indicated by several theses:

– A safe set of muscle mass,

– Supplement with vitamins

-Fight against body fat

-Prevention of catabolism,

-Fast Recovery,

– Volumetric relief,

-Increased stamina and strength,

-Stress resistance.

Agree that almost any athlete who regularly visits the gym dreams of achieving just such an effect from the consumption of a gainer, because this subtype of sports nutrition is designed specifically to help bodybuilders who at the initial stage experience difficulties with weight gain and want to choose for themselves the ideal formula of a carbohydrate-protein mixture for such purposes. Athletes with a good metabolism should buy PowerPro Gainer (1 kg), because in this case the body directs the carbohydrates received in the right direction to replenish the energy potential, and does not leave unpleasant consequences in the form of body fat. It should be noted that this gainer does not contain fat, and will not upset you with the appearance of excess weight, on the contrary, with each dose you will literally feel an increase in muscle mass due to high-quality protein in the composition of the product, and you can make sure that your workouts will become more intense and productive. As a bonus from buying a gainer, you will get a rich, pleasant taste, as well as an additional enrichment of the body with an amino acid complex, which is so necessary for victories in the sports field!


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