Healthy Sleep Supplement Melatonin Time Release 5mg – 60 tabs


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Melatonin is a natural hormone produced by the brain through the pineal gland. Its level of circulation in the body changes during the day depending on environmental factors.
The release and synthesis of melatonin is inhibited by light and stimulated by darkness, suggesting that the element plays an integral role in the circadian rhythm (biochemical, physiological, and behavioral processes based on a 24-hour cycle) in the body.

It has an adaptogenic, sedative, hypnotic effect.

Normalizes circadian rhythms. Increases the concentration of GABA and serotonin in the midbrain and hypothalamus, changes the activity of pyridoxalkinase involved in the synthesis of GABA, dopamine and serotonin. It is known that GABA is an inhibitory mediator in the CNS, and a decrease in the activity of serotonergic mechanisms may be important in the pathogenesis of depressive states and disorders.

It regulates the sleep-wake cycle, daily changes in locomotor activity and body temperature, positively affects the intellectual-mnestic functions of the brain, and the emotional-personal sphere. Contributes to the organization of the biological rhythm and the normalization of night sleep. Improves the quality of sleep, reduces the frequency of attacks of headaches, dizziness, improves mood. Accelerates falling asleep, reduces the frequency of nocturnal awakenings, improves well-being after awakening in the morning, does not cause a feeling of lethargy, weakness and fatigue upon awakening. Makes dreams more vivid and emotionally rich.

It adapts the body to the rapid change of time zones, reduces stress reactions, regulates neuroendocrine functions.

It has immunostimulating and antioxidant properties.

The main physiological effect of melatonin is to inhibit the secretion of gonadotropins. In addition, the secretion of other hormones of the adenohypophysis – corticotropin, TSH, STH – decreases, but to a lesser extent.

The secretion of melatonin is subject to the circadian rhythm, which in turn determines the rhythm of gonadotropic effects and sexual function. The synthesis and secretion of melatonin depend on illumination – an excess of light inhibits its formation, a decrease in illumination increases the synthesis and secretion of the hormone. In humans, 70% of the daily production of melatonin occurs at night.


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