B vitamins are essential for all aspects of regulating and balancing the body's metabolic mechanisms. Insufficient daily intake of B vitamins can contribute to stress-induced ill health, which can be perceived as a general malaise. Those who do not consume enough real and whole foods can improve their stress management by supplementing with B Vitamins. This Optimal Natural Source of Vitamin B product is formulated to provide higher levels of Vitamin B for people who tolerate significant levels of stress and/or cannot consistently provide adequate daily levels of B vitamins in the diet.
B vitamins have a large margin of safety because they are water soluble and do not accumulate in the body. The important B vitamins serve as coenzymes in all parts of the body, but they are especially needed for healthy nerves, skin, eyes, liver, and mouth, as well as maintaining good muscle tone in the gastrointestinal tract. Hectic lifestyles, eating on the run, aging and many other factors can deprive us of these important vitamins.
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