Whey protein Scitec Nutrition 100% Whey Isolate 2000 grams


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Protein Scitec Nutrition Whey Isolate concentrated ultrafiltrate of high quality whey protein. This is the best of all athletic proteins, with a biologically active content. Whey Isolate contains a modernly selected amino acid profile (25% leucine, isoleucine, valine). L-leucine comprises approximately eight percent of the amino acids in your body's protein structures, it is the most concentrated amino acid in muscle tissue. L-leucine has many beneficial effects on athletic performance: helps preserve muscle tissue, supplies energy to the body in stressful situations (i.e. intense workouts), conserves muscle glycogen (glucose stored in muscle tissue used to drive muscle contraction into action), maintains nitrogen balance, increases intellectual abilities. If you suffer from an L-leucine deficiency, your body will not be able to use the protein. If you don't have enough L-Luecine, the money you spend on quality food and dietary supplements will be wasted. To make the most of food, you need two L-Leucines and two L-Valines for each portion of L-Isoleucine. You will not be able to get optimal results if you do not follow the ratio provided in the package. Whey Isolate contains the lowest possible amount of lactose, does not contain aspartame at all, and in addition has a high content of L-glutamine.


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