Amino Acid Redcon1 Beta-Alanine – 96 g


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If you've been taking a pre-workout or energy supplement and you've experienced a slight, energizing tingle on your skin, it's most likely from beta-alanine. Beta-alanine is the main ingredient in many pre-workout supplements and for a very good reason, it helps increase muscle endurance and can improve performance by reducing fatigue or exhaustion.

Beta-alanine – an essential amino acid, meaning the body can make it on its own. It is also present in meat and fish, but many fitness and endurance athletes take beta-alanine supplements for even more performance-enhancing benefits. There is always a point where fatigue sets in, especially during high-intensity workouts. Beta-alanine helps increase the amount of work your muscles and body can do and relieves fatigue so you can train harder and for longer.

Because the beta alanine is such a key performance ingredient, we've included it in the Basic Training Series so you can take it alone before your workout, add it to a product that doesn't already contain beta-alanine, or add more to your current all-in-one pre-workout supplement like Total War , for additional benefits.

  • Reduces muscle fatigue
  • Increases performance
  • Increases muscle endurance
  • Reduces exhaustion

Beta-alanine – it is a naturally occurring version of the amino acid "alanine" and has been studied for its ability to increase muscle endurance and reduce exhaustion. Beta-alanine can cause a tingling sensation on the skin. This is a typical and expected side effect.

  • Add to Big Noise for a pre-workout non-stimulating boost.
  • Take during training with Grunt® to reduce muscle breakdown and fatigue during training.
  • Add to Total War for more beta-alanine before high intensity workouts.


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