Country Life Super 10 Antioxidant 120 tabs


SKU: 337870 Category:


Country Life Super 10 Antioxidant an excellent antioxidant, which has a new improved formula, in comparison with other analogues. Every day, the human body and organs are exposed to toxins, poor ecology, and also suffer from poor-quality food. Antioxidant from Country Life, the best protection for your body.

The composition of the drug includes vitamins A, C, E. Minerals calcium, zinc, selenium, as well as special additives: green tea extract, curcumin, acetylcysteine, grape skin extract, grape seed extract.

Vitamins A, C, E, and minerals play a protective role in the body, strengthen and improve the general condition of a person. Vitamin C, in addition to the immunomodulatory effect, has a pronounced antioxidant effect. Green tea extract performs an invigorating and tonic effect, improves immunity, and also improves the general condition. The antioxidant effect is several times more effective than that of vitamins C and E. Curcumin has a complex of positive effects; in some countries, turmeric root extract is classified as a medicinal preparation. The main positive effects are anti-inflammatory, antitumor, used to treat certain forms of cancer, and is also considered a strong immunomodulatory. Acetylcysteine ​​is the main property of an antitoxin. It is used for a number of infectious diseases. Grape skin and grape seed extract, in addition to cosmetic effects (improvement of condition, hair and skin), stimulates the formation of collagen, and also slows down the aging process.


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