Carbohydrates (Carbo) ActivLab CarboMax Energy Power Dynamic 1000 grams


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Forget about the sudden loss of strength and energy during a workout, about feeling tired and exhausted, thanks to CarboMax Energy Power Dynamic, all this will no longer bother you. CarboMax Energy Power by ActivLab is a high quality and delicious source of carbohydrates with a differentiated glycemic index, vitamins and minerals necessary to support the body during exhausting workouts.

Glucose in the composition of the product is absorbed quickly and immediately replenishes energy reserves, adds strength and instantly relieves fatigue. The second component, maltodextrin, is absorbed more slowly and serves as a source of energy in the following stages, so the body will be provided with strength for a long time. As a result, you will feel a surge of energy, you will notice that the body is capable of much more than you expected, it recovers faster than usual, and rest breaks are needed less often and less long.

CarboMax Energy Power is the ideal source of energy for athletes who rely on endurance, strength and maximum performance during exercise, in addition, this product normalizes blood glucose levels, and the vitamins in the composition replenish the body's reserves during depletion. Does not contain fat.

Nutritional value of 1 serving 30 g – 476 kJ / 112 kcal.

Choose your taste:

– orange

– black currant

– lemon

– Strawberry

– kiwi


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