GNC Natural Brand Aloe Vera Special Supplement – 90 caps


SKU: 004426 Category:


GNC Natural Brand Aloe Vera is a dietary supplement that reduces inflammation and promotes tissue healing in our body.

Aloe extract is a biogenic stimulant. It has an adaptogenic, general tonic, laxative, antiseptic and choleretic effect.

It improves cellular metabolism, trophism and tissue regeneration, increases the overall non-specific resistance of the body and the resistance of mucous membranes to the action of damaging agents, accelerates regeneration processes.

It has some antimicrobial activity against streptococci, staphylococci, typhoid and dysentery bacilli, Proteus.

Stimulates the mechanisms of nonspecific defense of the body. Stimulates the reproductive function of men. Increases sperm motility.


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